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Old October 3rd, 2009, 02:16 AM

strykerpsg strykerpsg is offline
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Default Trying to do a clean re-install

Hello all,

I am attempting to do a clean re-install of WINSPMBT. I installed the Coldwar 2020 mod and noticed several OOB discrepancies, so after a dialogue with Plasmakrab, am trying to uninstall and re-install WINSPMBT. However, I notice each time I attempt to re-install and open the game, the former saved games are still there in the saved games portion of the menu. Also, my concern is MOBHACK is staying dormant somewhere on my hard drive too, causing confliction. I have even gone through the Shrapnel Games folder to delete any residual folders from WINSPMBT. So, am hoping there is someone else that has experienced similar issues with re-install. I believe part of my problem with Plasmakrabs mod is I have modded my former MOBHACK but it seems to be staying on the hard drive somewhere so just want to conduct a new start.

Thanks for any help.

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