Thread: some ideas
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Old September 29th, 2009, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: some ideas

Originally Posted by PatG View Post
If you want a realistic change to air support:

Outside of designed scenarios, the player should only be able to pay for unspecified "air support" with the exact composition left to the AI. Whatever comes through is assumed to have had enough fighter cover to make it to the battle area unmolested - just as it works now.
Hi Pat,

Interesting, but I think a Commanding Officer, or FOO, would have at least requested the type of air support he wanted.

For example, if he wanted a stone bridge KO'd, that would be very relevant to the type of aircraft/ordinance requested. No good sending a whole squadron of rocket laden aircraft, it's not going to help.

As for being able to choose specific aircraft in SP, this is consistent with being able to choose specific vehicles and tanks.

I guess we could let the AI choose our battalion AND our aircraft, if we wanted to be more realistic.

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