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Old September 18th, 2009, 02:21 PM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Re: A Discussion on kingmaking and community standards.

I think all of this reductionism is a bit much. Dominions is a very open-ended game, and there is a lot of gray area, especially when you throw diplomacy into the mix. I feel that most actions really need to be considered IN CONTEXT, as opposed to in absolute terms.

Several examples follow, I'd like to hear how my personal feelings on what is and is not appropriate match up with the opinions of other people, feel free to comment/object to them.

Scorched earth: Always alright to try and swing the current conflict/survive. Alright as a response to broken diplomatic agreements (NAP violations and the like) just to get revenge on the attacker. Alright in a grossly unfair conflict (e.g. 5 on 1 ganging). Not alright in other circumstances.

Gem/item gifting: Generally alright in any circumstance if not prohibited by house rules. This makes sense because any gems that are given away can't be used to defeat the attacker, meaning that their war is made easier, even if it makes a later war more difficult.

Allowing another player to take territory you control: Always alright if it represents a strategic advantage for the player, such as getting something in trade or opening up a route for an allied attack. Alright in small quantities when the defense of the territory needs to be abandoned to defend elsewhere and its capture is imminent. Not alright to just hand an ally your provinces because you're tired of playing.

Handing over VPs: Very rarely acceptable, though a few situations exist. A trade involving a VP that did not end the game would be acceptable. Prioritizing the defense of one VP over another if multiple VPs are being attacked is obviously alright. Abandoning a VP in the face of overwhelming odds is also legitimate when it does not end the game to do so. Simply giving away a VP to an ally is unacceptable. Obviously some judgment calls are required here, and 1 gold for a VP is not an acceptable "trade." I hope that players can be reasonable on the matter though.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
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