1- I would assume a veteran like WL would realize that it would only take one crumble to reduce the walls of R'lyeh's cap.
that's a pretty strong assumption, as there are many small dominions facts that are not generally known, even by us vets. Myself, I "knew" that, but was not at all "sure" of it, as I had not tested it myself, and, anyways, things are sometimes cleaned up in patches w/out being mentioned. Ask any veteran whether they are aware of all such little bugs... The action of casting multiple crumbles is perfectly in line with how the spell is
supposed to work.
as there were no units to cast a dome in the turn prior to WL sieging, aristander would have had to teleport in a caster that same turn.
Anyways, the non-existence of the dome, which could have been easily checked, would rather argue for WL being afraid that Rlyeh's forces would be there defending. They weren't, and wraithlord's assault force was too minimal to deal w/ any significant opposition.
often, the obvious solution is the correct one.
1- Jot's assault force was equipped w/Gatecleavers, and thus unprepared for an attack by R'lyeh's army
no, the assertion would be that a couple scs such as that is not the sort of force you would send in to capture a fortress when you knew the potential capabilities of the defender, unless you were assured of success by some other means.
As to sending in such a small force; most likely it was convenient, and he did not expect me to either know the vp had been thrown, or complain about it. Why in the first place would you send in such a small force when you were perfectly aware of rlyeh's defensive capabilities, having, in fact, partially designed the teleporting defense force yourself (as per rdonj)?
I would think it fairly obvious that obtaining a win in the way being discussed would be highly controversial.
A win is a win. And it is only "controversial" and being discussed because I made enough noise about it, bringing upon myself all sorts of complaints, both from mods and those who know little of the situation.
WL has taken most of the hits
I'm not sure what you mean by "hits", but assuming you mean some sort of public complaint, then surely counting them up would have me having taken "most" of the hits, taking everyone as equal... which, of course, I don't