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Old August 11th, 2009, 09:14 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default Vicious Circle 2 Newbie game Recruiting

A Newbie game for those that are new or fairly green and have not won a game.

Players: We can take up to 12 players (11 Land and 1 Brave soul in the Sea)

Map: Cradles Of Dominion (Map has hand placed starts so no one gets a bad start)

CBM 1.5
Magic Standard
Graphs ON
HOF 15
Indie Strength 5
Renaming On
Money, Resources, Supplies (Default which I found out is 100)
Starting Province 1
Random Event: Common

Winning Condition: If we have 12 players you must hold 7 capitols for 3 turns OR General Consensus of remaining Players.

Hosting: 24 Hour Quick-Host until we agree to raise it to 36 or 48 Hour Quick-Host (usually around turn 25 to 35).

Extensions will be given freely IF you PM Admin AND put a notice in the game Forum in a timely fashion. NO roll-backs if that condition isn't met (emergency Extensions will be given as Life Happens).

If you stale twice in a row without notice you WILL be replaced.

DO NOT SET A PASSWORD ON YOUR NATION (so we can set it to AI or get a sub should a problem arise).

IF you have to leave the game for some reason, PLEASE PM admin and SET YOURSELF to AI, this really helps your fellow players.

List 2 nations that you prefer with your first choice being the one that you would like first.

Join up (if we get more than 12 intrest we could chose a differnt map (DarkHeaven) and take up to 17 if we want.

Players and Nations
GrudgeBringer Arco
Mule Warrior Ryleh
Eldanesh Ermor
Trumanator Pangea
Squirrelloid Calem
Bander Lover Kalisia
JR77 Lanka
Kietsensal Hinnom
Ishamoridan Mictlan
Lihaassa Fomoria
Shard Sauro
Aaminoff Helheim
Frozen Llama Tir-A-Nog
Iainuki Marverni
Fakey McFake Niefelheim
Mcfish TC


Last edited by GrudgeBringer; August 12th, 2009 at 05:38 PM.. Reason: Starting game
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