Originally Posted by Imp
Iskander, one has to ask how & why? The purchase cost you come up with will be intresting.
From wikipedia: "Quoting unconfirmed reports, Moscow Defense Brief [the most credible journal on the 2008 South Ossetia War] says that it was an Iskander missile that inflicted the high precision strike on the Georgian Separate Tank Battalion base in Gori. An Iskander missile also made a direct hit on the arms depot, causing it to explode and inflicting extensive damage on the tank battalion. Russian officials have not admitted to using the Iskander missile against Georgia, but unofficial reports testify to the high effectiveness of the Iskander missiles, as one of the most devastating and accurate weapons in the Russian arsenal, the paper says." So direct hit/indirect hit, if Iskander hits, see ya later dear unit.
The questions here is to figure out the Iskander's accuracy. The above report confirms that 2 out of 2 targets were hit. And I doubt the Russians would share accuracy data. Is two targets enough of a test? Also, this may explain why Georgians fled their tanks. I wouldn't want to be chilling in a tank, after seeing a neighboring tank blown to smitherines, by a weapon that I didn't even see. However, MDB calls it "one of the most devastating and accurate weapons", so I'd say 90% accuracy? I honestly have no idea. Pretty much everything that I've read praised the Iskander.
As for the cost ratio, I would say that 200 points per missile would be fair, and make it so that you can buy from 1 to 10 missiles. For obvious reasons, it's an off-map unit.