Re: Looking for an opponent
Thank you for the advice guys. Thing is, I had an ORBAT developed and wanted to test it out, I got bored with killing 300 of computer's men and not losing a single one of mine. I set computer stuff to 180% like the guide thingy said.
If it's going to be a larger map, then I might need to change up my ORBAT a bit, because I'd need a more mobile force. Also, I like modern units, because 50's and 60's have less tactics to play with. In terms of units, I also had/have under 20 units.
Also, a smaller ORBAT allows for it to be primarily infantry, which is how most combats are. With more units and more points, and I'm guessing I need more points on a bigger map, at least 500 apiece, so I would have to test that out against computer first, see how it goes.
In addition with a small map, the shooting starts on 2nd/3rd turn, which is how I like it, fast. Otherwise it just turns into an elaborate game of protecting the flags, racing, outmanuevering, etc. Shooting's the fun part :P
I'm not new to wargames, just new to this one, so I thought I'd go small.
Fair enough, would a 500 point ORBAT, with modern units, on a 60x60 map be acceptable? (Modern as in 2009.)
And would I need a CD for it?