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Old July 24th, 2009, 09:25 AM
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JR77 JR77 is offline
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Default Re: Ghost Riders: Newbie Game PBEM Game on!

Copy of my post in Grudge's sub advert:

As Grudge says, I will be subbing for him from Monday. I have the list of official NAP's, but feel free to update me with more diplomatic information. Of course I will not know the history of the game and will probably not have time to look through the game thread, so see this as a new opportunity to make a friend (or enemy) :-)

The King is dead, long live the King!

PS Who should I send my e-mail address to? (After reading this thread I think I should send it to mighty_scoop... so that I have done. Have a nice weekend!)
"I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter."
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