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Old July 15th, 2009, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: winspmbt 5.0 ghost wish

Originally Posted by Marek_Tucan View Post
TI and other "See-through-smoke" sights being handled kinda like the Radar fire control is. Iow vision ratings up to 99 are "normal", ie smoke blocks them, vision ratings "100+" are TI (or similar). Would allow both for long-range electro-optical systems on some recon vehicles and would allow more importantly for short-range infantry TI.
Second that. Infantry with TI don't generally need 2km night-seeing range, same thing with short-range ATGMs. And as far as I can remember, some Russian systems (late-80s tanks, most Hinds, early PRP-series AOPs) could do with a non-TI sighting range over 2km.

Talking about this, how about optional IR-blocking smoke?
Seeing how some vehicles have "VIRSS" missile defense and VIRSS generally stands for Visual & IR Smoke Screening, there's a kind of loophole here.

Going out on a limb about the technicalities, the 'smoke dispenser' value in the OOB maxes at 99, so "advanced smoke dispenser" could be coded in the 11 to 19 range.
In theory, enough smoked hexes will block TI vision, so maybe IR-blocking smoke could be modeled by basically laying 10 smoke charges in the same hex, though I doubt it works like this.
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