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Old June 22nd, 2009, 06:29 AM
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Default Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Thanks Llama, as usual your like the Calvery riding over the hill to come to the rescue.

BTW, I personally forgot to tell you THANK YOU for taking time out of your VERY busy schedule to fix the technical problems we had in this game.

I think that we have had a slight problem all along as we have had to track down our Admin time after time to get an extension either by e-mailing him personally, or yelling loud enough and saying they would quit if there wasn't a extension ect.

I personally have never had any dealings before with Torin and I am not sure he understood what came with the job.

Right now I think the problem is DO we want to continue on as everyone has had so much time in between turns and we feel that there is no structire to the game when it takes sooooo long to do our turns.

I appreciate your offer and I am sure Revolution, or perhaps Tyrant may just take you up on it.

Thanks agian 'Oh Guru of the Dom3 world!!!!
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