Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Look at the new IS somewhat strange. If we roll it back there is also the chance that Rev's Global will hit someone else besides me so I look to bemifit from it.
Tir is nOT going to give me an advantage ..I already own )or will in 2 turns all but 1 fortress and most of his magic sites. I just need some time to fight a little along my Northern border and still take him out.
I agree that Llama did a WONDERFUL job fixing our game and if I was him I would be PO'd to the max if we quit.
Honestly, its MY note taking (I am traveling playing ball so much this summer)and fragile memory that has me up and yelling. At Myself more than anyone else.
If we ALL want to continue I will let you guys tear me apart and I can honestly say I was a PRETENDER (ar ar ar ) to the throne.