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Old June 21st, 2009, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)


I staled. Torin buddy, you really have to check the forum daily if you are going to admin. I appreciate that you stepped up to the plate, but you have struck out, can you pretty please pass off admin duties to someone more active if we decide to continue?

This is a very interesting game, i was having fun, and i'd hate to see it vanish. BDA's offensive is a thing of beauty and it would be a real shame to see it die in bed, it deserves a much nobler death.

Also, if i understand correctly, Saint Llama just spent a week running and rerunning the turn over and over to recover the game so we'd be able to continue. I'm pretty sure he has better things to do with his free time than pointlessly servicing our gaming needs, and he'd be well within his rights to Horror Mark every last one of us if we now wander off.

GB- the gargoyle battle was between me and BDA at my capitol, sorry, i made a mistake in my post. That battle was a big gnarly affair with 75 casters, 800 troops and novella length battle plans, it's what caused the crash, and my replay of the battle is upga****ed even though the turn went through. That's why i was asking,and it's not evidence of more glorks, it's part of the same glork. Sorry to cause more confusion.

I vote to roll back the last turn, change admins, give GB one more turn of empty Tir, and finish the game. Since BDA also staled i might be ok without a rollback if Arco did not hit me too hard ( i havn't looked at the new turn).
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