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Old June 3rd, 2009, 04:58 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Worst Nations in Each Era

Originally Posted by Wrana View Post
By the way, Fog Warriors also easily counter Banishment.
Of course, Shinuyama is still better. I think the problem is that lesser Oni are just too pricey to be really useful. But then, if they would be more easily massable, it could be overkill... As for Banishing demons it's quite thematic and Oni MR is on par with other Demons.
Considering nations:
EA: Agartha, I think. Maybe Fomoria.
MA: Oceania, until...
LA: Patala. Maybe Arcoscephales - I just don't see Sybils as good substitute for what they had earlier...
I don't think it's necessarily thematic. it's not too hard to find tales of demons who are not susceptible to generic holy powers, who laugh in the face of such power, even utilize it for their own ends. I think it would be both thematic and more balanced if demons were not effected by banish, leaving only the H2 spell smite demon. Rarely are masses of demons used as troops, therefore banish on demons is really a non-factor for gameplay. Only Yomi will really be effected by this, and since it is banish spam which causes them to be considered weak in MP, I think it would be healthy for game play to simply not have demons effected by banish.
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