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Old June 3rd, 2009, 06:14 AM
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Default Re: Perking up the AI

Originally Posted by Ballbarian View Post
Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
I think what SemiRand really needs (borrowing from the rest of the winding journey of this thread), is a browser based designer. So for example, a page on the dom3minions server might have the same dialogues that are currently found in the downloadable exe, but the overt ease of creation and submission could likely spark a deluge of submissions - I am thinking that many people don't want to bother with it all for 1-2 provinces, but if all of those 1-2 province people were cajoled into submitting through the webservice, it would hugely magnify the number of available provinces.
Jack_Trowell was going to try his hand at adding support for semirand to his online tool a couple of years ago, but I haven't heard anymore about it. I think an online version of the Province & God Editors with a repository of the creations would be a great resource.
I have been away from DOM3 for a while, and my previous server had suffered a disk failure.

I have recently installed a new server and restored my backups.

There were some Perl modules not yet installed on the server, but it is done now, and my map randomizer is working again.

I suppose that adding suppord for semirand files (and a form to submit new provinces as was initially planned) should not be very hard, I will see what I can do.
Q: "How many Vorlons does it takes to change a lightbulb ?"
A: "Yes !" <stranges noises>
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