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Old June 2nd, 2009, 06:02 AM
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Default Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V

planet / atmosphere type distribution and gas giant dwellers
Why is it that the Abiddon are 1st in every game, unless the EEE are in as well - then both are leading the score list 90% of the time.

Well, let's asume the planet/atmosphere type distribution is 100% flat with the only exception that there are no planets with the combination of "gas giant / no atmosphere", for obvious reasons.
Because the %tage of planets with breathable atmosphere for gas giant dwellers therefore is 25% instead of 20% of planets, they get a facility space bonus of 11% for free !!

Furthermore, I'm not entirely convinced that the dstribution is entirely "flat", but the random factor seems quite high so I have to generate several max size "paradise" quadrants and count planets to get meaningful statistics.
Will take some time, if I ever finish that, because it's tedious and time-consuming work. Unless someone figures a way to dump the quadrant data to a file and run it through a script to grab the numbers ...
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