Originally Posted by Arcturas
Arcane Nexus: it says half of the gems spent (rituals + forging) are converted into astral pearls. How exactly does that work?
You get the gems that were used in forging/rituals, just that they're automatically being alchemized to astral pearls.
Originally Posted by Arcturas
Forge of the Ancients: that's a 25% forging bonus? (not sure if it's 25% or 50%). If it's 25%, can a CBM Forge Lord make items for free?
There apparently is a way to get items for free, but it isn't easy, or economical, in any case. There's some thread about it. The boni don't stack like you wrote, but are applied one after another at times, so usually the best you can do is to minimize forging costs to 1 gem per path.
Originally Posted by Arcturas
Death Magic: What's the best use of my death gems?
Ghost Riders and Tartarians.
Originally Posted by Arcturas
Souless vs. Skeletons: Just a quick check, as I am still learning here. Raise Dead gets me souless/longdead, while Raise Skeletons gets me skeletons?
Yes. And Raise Skeletons gives you a fixed number of them while Raise Dead gives a number of Soulless which depend on the amount of corpses in the province where it is being cast (including the current battle, I guess). So unless you're aware that there's a lot of corpses in the province you're fighting, Raise Skeletons should always be the better choice.
Originally Posted by Arcturas
How does trampling work, again? Is it in the manual?
AFAIK it is in the manual. Trampling doesn't make use of the attack skill, and even if a unit defends against the trample attack it should get 1 damage which would take down the Mirror Image effect from Glamour.