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Old May 17th, 2009, 08:22 PM

Toni_Bubu Toni_Bubu is offline
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Default Re: Newbie suffering from unrest

Well, Calahan, you're right about playtesting, I should have read the troop description more carefully. It says there, clear as you like: "Satyr sneaks cause unrest in the province they dwell." Seems like I have some problems reading properly at the moment.

I just tried it out, recruited a ton of satyrs in my home province hand hit the e button a coupla times... Ét voilá, 65 unrest after 4 turns with about 40 satyrs in my home province.

While I am now conviced that this is the most likely scenario, what about Arco? It says in heretics' description that they "weaken faith in false gods" so this presumably refers to dominion (as in the nation's description). So does enemy dominion increase unrest or doesn't it? After all, there could be more than one cause for unrest...
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