Originally Posted by llamabeast
What's a gunboat game?
Ah, sorry. In Diplomacy (the game, that is) a Gunboat game is a game where there is no diplomacy and players don't know who plays which nation. So the only form of diplomacy is the good old gunboat diplomacy, ie smack your opponent(s) in their face and jump on their toes until the message goes through. Usually gunboat games allow the use of "press releases" (ie in the style of: "The King of Germany informs that any unit moving next to Silesia is viewed as a declaration of war." or "Austria informs everybody that she has no quarrels with Turkey, but Greece is and will stay under Austrian control."), but in the most strict versions of gunboat games not even those are allowed (ie you only communicate with the Game Master).
Ie pretty much the opposite of the "NAPs are binding or you shall be frowned upon" -policy which seems to be so widely in use on this forum for Dominions MP games, because there are no NAP's, no promises no nothing except brute force and clever use of your stomping abilities

Then again, in Diplomacy the "stats" are always "on", because everybody can see the map and see who is heading for winning -> in gunboat games it is usually *very* risky to gain a lead initially, because everybody and their dog will jump on you (because there is no communication between the players, but one thing is sure: Nobody wants somebody else to gain a lead which can not be overcome).