Re: Chronicles MA
Turn 7
An account of The Battle of Eribon
The sun burned bright that day, not a cloud in the sky. We had heard rumors of an army rising from the sea and capturing the mountainous lands of Runia. But these were sparsely held villages - the denizens of Runia known for their constant feuding among the mountain clans. It was easy to see how they could fall.
Lord Pagobar and his proud knights laughed easily on the fields outside the town of Eribon, eager for the excitement of battle, and already thinking ahead to the feasting and wenching to follow. The men-at-arms took heart at the easy confidence of their lords as they awaited the enemies approach. No scouts had returned from Runia which was enough to know that battle was coming to our lands.
Then the sun seemed to dim and the knights’ banter stopped. A chill crossed the battlefield and all became eerily silent. The blue sky then seemed to take on the appearance of a translucent veil, like a thin membrane, and we could see a dark form moving beyond, like watching a shark in a murky sea. Then the sky sripped open like a gaping wound and we saw the oblivion in the dark beyond around us and despaired.
That is when we saw the lord of R’lyeh. It bellowed a blood curdling alien scream and the knights looked to each other hesitantly before charging forth. Each step that we moved forward the sense of dread and despair weighed us down until we came within a stone’s throw of the beast’s presence. Pagobar was the only knight with the courage or strength to land a blow, just before a massive tentacle lashed about his body and leeched his life’s essence, leaving him nothing more than a dry husk in a chainmail shell. The knights fell in droves and then we turned and ran back into the woods.
It is said the lord of R’lyeh left and Eribon still stands. I have not gone back but heard strange tales that the citizens no longer laugh or speak but carry on their lives in a silent trance.