June 12th, 2002, 06:41 PM
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Re: SEIV Suggestion: Defense Against Null Space Weapons and Talisman
Originally posted by Gandalph:
IIRC the allegiance subverter does work on fighters. I had a battle against my own Ekhazan race where I sent only fighters into battle and they were subverted even though the Ekhazan had no carrier for them. After the battle, they were stranded in space and an easy target for my fleet of BB's.
No, it doesn't.
The allegiance subverter can only target ships in the unmodded game. And I believe that even if you modify the target possibility the subverters (or the crew conVersion ability) would not work on units.
What I think happened in your game is that one of your carriers with still fighters loaded was converted, then the fighters were launched (they belonged now as the ship to the Ekhazan) and later the carrier was destroyed by your remaining forces.