Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well, not the quality of the graphics I just meant the atmosphere and world. For some reason I prefered the somewhat varied environments of Morrowind to what seemed to me to be an endless sea of same-same green grass and trees in Oblivion. True, there did seem to be more dungeon crawling than in Morrowind and that may have contributed.
I've done a bit of looking through total conversion mods for oblivion and fallout, haven't found anything particularly enticing yet though. I did my oblivion playthough with a fair few of the non-conversion mods enabled so theres not much new in that area.
Eh, I'm not a fan of diablo 2 gameplay. Possibly I am the one person in the world (at least among people I know ;p) who, while originally liking it, become convinced it was just freakin tedious after a while.