Oblivion was cool. When it first came out I took one look at the bland graphics and began to diss it, but two years later I finally got onto it and enjoyed it quite a bit. It really wasn't the same as Morrowind though, the environment was much blander, less diverse and had a little bit less of the sense of exploration and mystery. I'm no sadist, the quick travelling was a really handy feature but they could have given you more than just endless identical forests and the odd mountain paths to explore so that you actually felt the need to venture off the beaten track.
Fallout 3 was really awesome, though unfortunately you got so powerful so quickly that it became a turkey shoot before the end. It was slightly harder going again as a pure unarmed guy on hard though ;p The deathclaw gauntlet is teh greatest weapon ever. Still not enough to make me replay the main quests again, seeing as you can basically get to max level from randomly exploring a relatively smallish part of the map O_o
I didn't give Mass Effect more than a few hours, it seemed alright but not really my thing. KOTOR was cool for a while in the first game but I could never really get into it, combat just seemed a bit... static.
Keep those suggestions coming