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Old March 24th, 2009, 01:58 AM

Scarlioni Scarlioni is offline
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Default Re: Haha Moments like this

Was playing middle age Shinuyama and was using massed dai bakemono archers. Had been advancing against a computer opponent with ease. Think I had about two hundred of them using wind giude and flaming arrows and hadnt suffered casualties in a while. I had a battle against about 70 assorted trash of the type the AI will send at you in endless waves. I suffered a casualty. I was intriuged enough to watch the battle.

So I watch the battle and first thing one of my archers goes charging across the battlefield and impales himself on the enemy before they fled. WTF? The battle ended so fast that I had to rewatch the battle a couple of times before I sucessfully clicked upon my suicidal archer.

He had two afflictions, he'd lost both arms. I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. I wasnt aware at the time the game tracked afflictions on my lowly troopers. The real kicker was my armless archer was "armed" with a fist.
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