Originally Posted by DonCorazon
I think of LA Ulm as Iraq.  I still shudder thinking about fighting QM's LA Ulm. Swarms of immortals totally alter the dynamics of the game into a slow, torturous struggle to push back their dominion while dealing with constant kamikaze vampire attacks. You can’t just race in and conquer them and leave a string of PD1 provinces behind your lines with enemy dominion. Vampire lords with medallions of vengeance make a heart pounding sight as you pray to take them out before they blow up in the middle of your back line of mages. Their low protection and moderate MR leads to a lot of cat and mouse maneuvering where first attack advantage can be key in order to get off some Control Undeads / Rain of Stones and the like before they wreak havoc. Good times.
I agree entirely. Fortunately, LA Ulm has great national troops and mages (Iron Blizzard+Stealthy Communions), so expanding outside of your dominion is relatively easy.
I think I'd rather refer to it as trench warfare. The goal for Black Forest with a focus on vampires is bite and hold. If you can capture provinces outside your dominion, you can use your swarms of inquisitors (that should be accompanying every army for Iron Blizzard) to get your dominion into the positive side; and in which case, your vampires can hold it against anything. The immortality makes vampires impossible to overwhelm on the defensive (especially with all the vampire thralls and counts and lords LA Ulm can gather), because kamikazees are easy and cost nothing (due to immortality). The problem is, without stealthy preachers or blood sacrifice, it becomes a hassle trying to dominion push, which limits their offense. Still, you can spread it with juggernauts, temples, prophets, and your God (and lower theirs with items), so it's still viable.