Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
The great crusade seems plagued with misfortune. Several quick victories and the raising of a new fort saw the crusade nearly upon the gates of the capitol of men. Then disaster struck. Overconfident from their earlier victories, a large hoburg army was almost completely destroyed by one of Man's armies. That's when all hell broke loose. At almost the same time, a group of marauding knights attacked and took over one of the provinces the crusade had wrested from Man. The Abysians, apparently allied with the humans, suddenly attacked from the east, ruining all attempts to regroup and slaying most of the crusade's human host. Only a few months later, as the crusade sallies to fight back the scourge of abysian aggression yet another band of maurading knights has attacked, and now Hoburgdorf itself is under siege. It is a dark time for the Hoburgs, and the sacred beer is now consumed in such great quantity that the glorious sacred fountain has nearly dried up. If the great crusade cannot turn back the tide of abysian soldiers streaming across the lands quickly, the war will be lost.
But the greatest host the crusade has ever seen has been assembled, and the crusade has won its first battle against abysia's legions. Perhaps in the end the warriors of Hoburgdorf will yet still triumph over adversity, and bring peace to all the peoples of the land.