While we can agree that this might not be the best play to give each other links of torrents

I'd give just a personal opinion.
I'm totally for supporting the devs who made a good game (and even better if they support it really well, I'm lookin at ya, guys

). And the company that made the game available to you. All of that, really.
But when the devs stop earning profit from the game itself, and possibly when the company itself stops putting it on sale, I start wondering.
We can't deny that games are an artistic experience. The tenth art, I'd say. Still, the art of creating games, and the artistic experience of playing them, is still an underdog. Often the so-called "media", for the pleasure of the masses, use this or that game as scapegoat for a shooting among teenagers or whatever. And while some philosophers and writers are making the artistic value of games more obvious to the masses, there aren't libraries or galleries for games, where everybody can live the artistic experience - nor we can expect them, for a long time. But shouldn't the artistic experiences, sons of the best intellect mankind, be available freely even to who doesn't have the means? Should the sharing of ideas be limited to books and paintings?
I think that pirating a game which is on sale is purely dishonest, because people worked hard on it and live on it, and whole companies depend on those sales. But when those people and companies stop offering the game, and thus stop expecting returns from that, shouldn't the artistic experience be available to those who didn't have the means to buy it?
Sorry for the long rant - random thoughts.

Comments or death threats are welcome...