Thread: Wishlist a few wishes
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Old February 10th, 2009, 03:01 PM
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Default Re: a few wishes

Originally Posted by chuckfourth View Post
Hi All
As Regards HEAT rounds, I think the algorithm that selects between shell type is faulty.
In say version 6 of the game, take as an example senario 53, Whitmans tiger is presented with a side shot at a Firefly at 250m. Sensibly he fires an AP round.
The algorithm received some tweaking and now in win3.5
Whitman fires a HEAT round. The problem with this is that with the HEAT pen of 10 compared to the AP rounds 15 he has a much better chance of just annoying the firefly and getting killed. Dumpkoff!

With the new algorithm Whitman is being too smart by half, using a HEAT round to save AP for a rainy day because its "enough" for a side shot. Use AP nincompoop! make sure of it.

I dont know how the shell choosing algorith works but as regards HEAT shouldnt it contain something like?

If the AP penetration is better than the HEAT penetration at the target range fire the AP otherwise fire the HEAT.

ie save the HEAT for the ranges where it has a better penetration than the AP. With the current setup they are wasted.

Best Regards Chuck.
That's real nice Chuck, now go back and test that scenario 10 times in a row, first shot from Whitmanns tank at the Firefly and tell us all what results you got each time because it won't be what you just claimed it was. Sometimes the game will load HEAT, sometimes AP and SOMETIMES Woll will miss altogether and Whitmanns luck will run out earlier than "historical". Even the AP, when fired, may only wound and leave the Firefly capable of returning fire and sometimes the Firefly is killed outright ( using AP OR HEAT )

What you will NOT see is the same thing happen over and over and over.


Last edited by DRG; February 10th, 2009 at 03:14 PM..
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