Man, is that WEAK!
An ILLEGAL is someone who attempts to circumvent the laws of the country by failing to follow the established proceedures for becoming a CITIZEN. If this first occasion of the ILLEGAL encountering one of the basic principles of this nation, that of abiding by the law, is marked with failure to follow the law the one must ask what other laws will the ILLEGAL be willing to cast aside as he/she feels like.
Come on down here for a week or two and I'll be happy to show you areas of desert scrub with no towns or roads for 50 to 100 miles or more where ILLEGALS "don't have a chance to register".
I know with your BANKRUPT, socialist, healthcare system up there you are use to paying for everyone else's service, but down here we feel a bit different over the destination of our EARNED dollars.
Its way past time the world ceased to look on the United States as a Free, all-you-can-eat buffet with one hand grabbing all they can, and then sh*tting on us through word or deed with the other.
P.S. Caught a 2 1/2 trout. Water was glass, breese was welcomed. Didn't even run across the Tagged fish