Thread: Future games
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Old January 30th, 2009, 01:27 AM

JMHawkins JMHawkins is offline
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Default Re: Future games

Originally Posted by S.R. Krol View Post
Folgore, actually with some scenario tinkering you can pretty much make a War Plan Orange scenario with War Plan Pacific.
Yes, but I think to really do justice to pre-carrier naval war, WPP would need to beef up the surface combat a little. There are old parts of the WPP design that do this which I am dusting off and reviewing... But this is interesting because it's a pre-requisite to a game idea I have rattling around my head that I really want to do. "Operation Mahan" is all I'll say about it right now (WPP, by the way, was "Operation Bywater").

A modern naval game (by that, NATO versus Warsaw Pact) would be awesome. No one has really done a strategic modern naval game on the PC, although I suppose some of the larger Harpoon scenarios might qualify.
How excited are people about hypothetical cold-war games? I mean now that it's relegated to the "Alt-History" realm instead of the "possible-very-near-future" realm? The gaming possibilities are pretty cool - is this something that would hold people's interest given that now it's neither history nor speculative future?

Oh, and speaking of focusing on convoys let's not forget the Murmansk run. Lots of fun to be had there.
Wasn't this part of the victory conditions in War At Sea? I'll have to dig out my box and check (if you don't hear from me for a while, that means I was buried in the avalance of old games while on expedition in The Game Closet...).
John Hawkins
KE Studios
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