Re: Rothfuss- Running
I choose turmoil/luck scales because of the Pan's Maenad spawning. With order-3 games I get very few Maenads in my dominion. Anyway, this game I can't even afford the Pans to get the Maenads. My early strategy is to race to Alt-7 and employ hordes of well buffed chaff. I took an awake rainbow sage to do primarily [in order] research, site searching, and forging.
Also sort of key to my early strategy is to get a Pan early on that has Death magic (+25% chance) to summon Carrion Centaurs to reanimate more chaff. My first one did not.
In test games with Magic Sites 60 I often found neato indy mages adjacent to my capital and am relying on them somewhat for diversity. Are there any Amazons in MA? I don't think I've seen any yet.
Last turn Luck netted me 250g and increased pd +15 in my capital. I also had an unrest event.