Originally Posted by Valerius
The Tuatha have joined those nations opposing the tyranny of T'ien Ch'i. The Celestial Empire has become too powerful and is a threat to all. Tir na n'Og calls on all nations to stop this bureaucracy run rampant.
The peaceful and earnest population of the T'ien Ch'i terrorized by Sidhe Lord paratroopers. Tir na n'Og leadership called to task for a war of preemption that discounts civilian casualties in favor of dramatic shock and awe tactics. The Celestial Court in uproar.
Originally Posted by Wokeye
...and its all over for Pangaea...
GG all, hats off to Radioheart - well done mate.
Good game Wokeye. The Celestial Court has dedicated several hundeed acres of forestland as an imperial war memorial in honor of lives lost on both sides of the T'ien Ch'i - Pangaea conflict. Dispossessed Dryads offered enrollement in the Academy of The Way. Pangaea shall live on amidst the Celestial Empire.
The Celestial Court