Originally Posted by Janlm
well the global spell would mean they breached their nap, so i guess you can do exactly as they do and attack right away, according to mictlan's belief's anyway.
R'lyeh, you are just going completely insane. Stop playing with that Void Gate, it's bad for your brain!
Purgatory has absolutely no effect outside my dominion, and my dominion does not encroach into Ermor's lands.
It's not at all like Burden of Time, which immediately cripples all my best mages every month, fairly quickly turns all my troops into a bunch of old geezers who won't do anything except sit around talking about their lost youth, damages my gold income by causing unrest, and kills my people including my valuable virgins of which we don't have very many because, when you've only got a couple of months to live, how many virgins do you think are gonna be left!?
This is why I was trying to warn everyone about R'lyeh all this time. Some people don't like to say this, but: I told you so!
-- Mictlan