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Old December 28th, 2008, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Nightfall - Newbie EA Game - Recruiting

I just tried 4 practice starts with Aran...

1 time I was on a peninsula and had only 2 Provinces around my starting Fortress.

1 time I had 3 Provinces and started VERY close to another faction.

1 time I had 6 starting provinces and no one around me (LOL, wish I could warp that starting position into our game for me).

1 time I had the usual 4 provinces and was in a ok position.

So, I would say NO the positions are not fixed,

Agian, its your game and you set the rules. As I see it you can do any of 3 things.

Start the game and if someone is really screwed you can restart until everyone is ok with thier positions.

Start the game and you get what you whining and no quitting. Just try and make do (sometimes its not much fun if you only have 2 provinces and your cut off and have no army to fight) but usually only 1 has a terrible start.

Ask some of the guys that know and see if you can place nations in starting positions. Or perhaps change the map to one thats about the same size but has starting positions.

I am not the one to ask about maps but ask some of the higher ranks and they would be able help you.

AGIAN, its YOUR game and your preference's so I am in for whatever you decide.
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