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Old December 23rd, 2008, 10:03 AM
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Default Re: MA Ulm - you called me a forge what?

Originally Posted by Horst F. JENS View Post
great guide. Was ther not a thread once in the dom2 forums about flying smiths casting fire shield and double-wielding axes of sharpness ?
Yeah, that's what put the germ of the idea in my head, but it didn't quite work until you could stack a minor bless on top. Fire shield + 2 axes of sharpness = a fun gimmick, awe + regen + reinvig + 29 protection + AOE damage = single handed crowd clearer. With your hps being so low you really need your fatigue to be near zero as critical hits will quickly drop you, and you're still gonna take a couple points of damage every now and then so you really need a minor regen. The holy smiths are what make this work, without the blessing you've got a good chance of going down vs strong PD.
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