Originally Posted by OTGamer
Originally Posted by Annette
I received an email from John this morning that he's been without electricity because of the ice storms.
Sounds like he needs a convoy.

One finally got through
We get a lot of rain up here in the Seattle area, and a little bit of snow, but not many full-fledged bilzzards, and I don't mind saying it's no fun getting caught out driving in one. But we got sort of lucky, the 90mph winds they were predicting didn't materialize, otherwise I'm sure we'd still be in the dark.
To the questions:
The oil rules: General Chaos described it right. Borneo, Java and Singapore can each add 1 oil unit if they are functional Japanese bases. This represents pumping oil from the oilfields in the area (Singapore represents Sumatra). Luzon, Leyte and Formosa each subtract one if they are functional Allied bases. This represents submarines, PT boats, etc. intercepting the tankers taking the oil back to Japan, so it can never subtract more units of oil than are actually flowing form the oil field bases. Japan also consumes one unit per month.
Building bases: Even if you send a convoy, you still need at least one warship in a TF patrolling the base for it to grow (a single CL is enough). The patrolling TF can't be sunk or forced to withdraw though, or the base won't grow.
Repairing Ships: The larger the base, the faster it will repair ships. Small bases can take forever to repair any significant damage, it's usually better to send ships to a larger base. But even major bases only have so much capacity, and if there are too many damanged ships in port, the repair capacity may be spread out and slow down how fast any one ship is repaired. Ports with several damaged ships in them will attempt to repair CVs, CVLs, BBs and BCs first, and may end up totally neglecting Crusiers until the larger ships are patched up.
Note, the ship must be In Port to be repaired. Ships in TFs do not repair (though carriers will replenish aircraft while in a TF).
Thanks, if I missed anything, please let me know,
John Hawkins
KE Studios