Originally Posted by Herode
Also, you must notice the Luzon is very far form West Coast. Distance affects effectiveness of TFs, maybe it has the same effect on convoys ? That being said, if you try to supply some closer base than Luzon, convoys are efficient.
Patrolling bases with a small single ship TF also has some effect, although pretty slow. At least I had some results with the Japanese. I've not checked yet for Allies.
Okay, I've done further tests and sending all ships from all areas to patrol Luzon does not rebuild the base one bit. I did this for four turns. Also, sending a single small ship (CL) from the West Coast to Luzon arrives and stays in Luzon. One would think that if that Light Carrier can reach Luzon from such a distance, a Convoy should be able to also, and have some affect on how large Luzon gets.
I'd have to say almost conclusively that something is wrong with Luzon, in that no matter what it can't be built up.
I did send the Convoy from the West Coast to Midway, along with some other larger ships. The base did grow, but not immediately. It took two turns.
As for the oil victory condition : Leyte has to be conquered before Japan is allowed to attack Borneo. Once you control Borneo, you have to repair the base and make it functionnal one full turn before the +1 oil bonus comes. But as long as Allies control Leyte (-1 oil), your -1 overall malus remains. You'll have to capture and repair Borneo or to capture Leyte before your oil supply rate switches to 0. But if my memories are right, if Allies re-capture Leyte, the -1 to bonus applies again even is Leyte is not repaired to be functionnal.
Yes, this is the way things happen in the game. But that's not what the manual says nor what the Victory Condition explanation says in the game.
And now, my question. 
The rules state that if a population center is bombed (Ceylan, Brisbane, etc.), then the owning player must patrol this center 1-4 month with at least 25% of his navy. Okay. But what happens if he does not patrol or doesn't use enough PV for patrolling ????
Sorry, I don't have an answer for this.
I know it's the weekend and all, but do the developers typically show on the forums? There are some odd things happening in this game, and some things need clarification.
I'd also like to know a little more about how new scenarios can be created. I do like this overall game engine. Now a later expansion that could add research and unit-building elements to the game would really be an improvement.