Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Mictlan thanks Shinuyama for their blatant falsehoods. What a coincidence that they would seek to spread this disinformation on the very turn that we cancel our NAP with them! If you look into the store of treasures of your ally R'lyeh, I think you will find that since his research is much greater than Mictlan's, he has forged many artifacts. Perhaps he will share them with you?
Some of what you say is ture, but do you really begrudge Mictlan its Enchantresses? They are expensive, and a great drain on our treasury. Mictlan believes in self-sufficiency, that is all. And they do not give you every path combination.
As for gem income, Mictlan did not call for Shinuyama to be ganked on for the first half of the game, when your gem income was highest. We have a lead now, but our friends have about the same number of provinces. In time, they will discover the treasures of the lands and their gem income will be equal to ours.
It's not like we've built a massive clam farm, like the terrifying Starspawn may have done. Shudder.
Mictlan's so-called alliance with Oceania is strictly to assist them in repelling the attacks of R'lyeh. We fear the creatures of the void gate, their astral might, and their watery domain. All reasonable nations of world would seek to prevent their complete control of all of the seas.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
Last edited by vfb; December 16th, 2008 at 06:31 PM..