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Old December 10th, 2008, 05:25 PM

GJK GJK is offline
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Default Re: Why no destroyers?

I love the way that "Fire in the Sky" (game that this one has been compared to in several places) handles DD's. They are grouped into flotilla's or perhaps groups of flotilla's (and the counter mix is certainly very manageable). DD's are key during movement. Move a TF, especially one with a CV without a DD and you will get hit by an enemy Sub. FITS abstracts sub's as "Sub Pts" - a limited number that changes as the game plays on based on historical availability (i.e., Japan never gains more Sub Pts but the US does gain them later in the game).

Should a TF with a DD unit get attacked with Subs, then an ASW step is performed. Otherwise, the player using Sub pts gets to apply a point towards an attack on that TF.

The Japanese player can also assign DD units to convoy escort. During the turn, the Japanese player can conduct ASW on the US Sub pts if he is using DD's to escort his convoys.

Frankly, I'm very surprised to see that that whole DD/ASW aspect of the Pacific war has been left out of this game.
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