Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Good game Phalent of Ulm. I had a little more than my fair share of good fortune but that is the way of it sometimes, yeah?
The peoples of Ulm, you shall be governed justly.
The peasant in bondage to your chiefs and master, you are hereby freed. Your land is now under your own private ownership to sell or work as you see fit.
The blacksmith forced into slavery, spending an entire month forging the arms and armor of a single ineffective warrior, you are hereby freed to practice your craft as your own interests dictate. Fair and just prices paid for the spear points and scale mail that will equip dozens of the Ever Victorious Army.
The warriors and shamans who were conscripted into an inefficient horde, enlist in The Ever Victorious Army. Your unique skills will be recognized and you will be given the proper training to best enable your talents. You will be part of a professional army whose sum is greater than its parts. Your pay will be on time and in gold coin. T'ien Ch'i cookfires are the envy of soldiers throughout the world.
Your culture will be given an honored place within the Celestial Court, your voice will be forever heard by the True Sight and Swift Hand, the Eternal Goddess Qing Li.