Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)
The current crop of republicans are hardly republicans. What they represent is indeed terrible, but I'm not convinced that the democrats solutions are any better.
Goldwater republicans would be a welcome sight, but the party has been corrupted and those few who still preach and care about fiscal conservatism have essentially been cast aside for what used to be the moral majority type fringe.
We don't need someone to capture imagination, that's what Obama is trying to do, we need someone who actually has some basis for believing them when they say what they are going to do, and how they are going to do it.
Michael Bloomberg is perhaps the closest thing we have to this, but he's not running... yet...
When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for evil. Man up, and don't buy the line that your vote doesn't count, because if you vote for democrat or republican, truly, your vote was wasted.
-Gandalf, understood, but its politics if someone spews a load of tripe they should be called on it (and that goes for me as well), I for one am able to keep my feelings about it separate from anything else. Though I am much more comfortable in a completely open forum setting, I understand that others do not want that.