October 29th, 2008, 07:32 PM
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Re: Doedicurus - Introductory CBM (PBEM, Llamaserver) - Game Full!
Originally Posted by konming
Other than research difficult, HoF 15, and rename on, I think all else should be set to default. We have full 23 nations and we do not want radical settings to kill off some nations automatically.
As it is, rush nations have an advantage (many provinces, wide open land, and difficult research), we should not make them any easier by jacking up gold or indy strength.
kudos you have brains,
also we want the independant strength relatively low anyway in such a big game so it doesn't take so long waiting for people to prepare that bit more in order to take provinces, and as you should know by now the higher the independant strength the bigger the advantage for those rush nations who already have a big advantage because mid game shall be coming late due to large map and difficult research.