Originally Posted by konming
I just started a test game, and I started in province 453. It hasonly 4 neighbors. Two of them are heavily garrisoned. I think it is better not to count the big garrison province as a neighbor for starting provinces.
I know. I'm actually right now in the middle of fiddling with the map file to fix the known border issues (326/327), province 453 needing to be nostart, as well as a few other nostarts, adding in one more special province (Hello, Szass Tam in Northern Thay!), deleting Corwell and Caer Callidyrr from the scripted lists (they get bigger pop unscripted) and modifying some terrains in some provinces I just caught.
Oh, and Raurin Desert, I just checked it. Not being killfeatured was a deliberate decision with that one, but not a very good one in hindsight. The scripted sites are good, but just changing their order makes the thematically better ones appear with more regularity. They might get overwritten with the current settings and there are too many common sites that are not so good, so getting a rare one would not be guaranteed. With the scripted sites it's a guaranteed 8 gem income of various types (FAESD) plus a little something from one site, so the #killfeatures is definitely going in.
Suspect design decisions like that omission tend to happen when you edit map files at 1:30 in the morning.