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Old October 18th, 2008, 01:13 PM

Meursy Meursy is offline
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Default Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started

Hey again,

Ok, I'm delaying again not only to wait for a sub, but also because I have some unexpected stuff come up at home. If we don't get any interest in Eriu's position by the time the next hosting is set to now, then I guess we'll be forced to AI Eriu.

An alternative option would be to slow down the turns a bit and let Eriu stale once or twice, with the idea that Valerius could come back and pick back up where he left off.

The only problem there is that the AI is probably not going to lay off him because he's staling!

So, yeah, let me know what you think remaining players! Here or by PM.

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