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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:26 AM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: Is Man (Tower of Chelms) the Ulm of LA?

Yes, I agree La Man is a bit on the weak side. I think as Dominions has developed, some nations have been left behind, Man both Ma/La is one of those nations.

Ulm both Ma and La got a boost, indeed La Ulm is now a very good nation. Man could do with a similar boost.

Having said that, you never mentioned La Mans one great strength which is stealth, a decent strategy around wardens/lord wardens and magister can be put together. But, you will still struggle mid - late game.

I would like to see:-

1) Magister of theology given stealth.
2) Increase the stealth of Lord Wardens/Magister/Wardens to 20.
3) Magister Arcane paths increased to 3A 1E 1S 1N with 1 100% random of AESN.
4) Judge inceased to 50% chance of 1F and 50% chance of 1D.
5) Some additional unique summons.
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