Originally Posted by Endoperez
Originally Posted by Crevan
Test of Regeneration
Test of leadership. Too many tests failed, result only one: I can get Awe ONLY with +100 artefact boost. Also Fear ability - just when Death skill raized up to 6 with any way: artefacts or skills
I got the same result with leadership and awe.
I think the link between Fear and Death magic is mentioned somewhere in the manual. Death magic above 5 gives Fear, and all Death magic increses existing Fear. See Prince of Death pretender: high starting fear and high starting Death magic combine into pretty scary results. That's why he works so well with dominion 9 and 10 (which give Awe +0 and +2).
Hmmm, I guess that makes sense.
So Death increases Fear, Fire increases Attack, Water increases Defense, Air increases Precision, Earth increases Armor, Nature makes increases your Maximum Age.
Am I missing anything?
Does Astral or Blood do anything for the mage?