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Old September 29th, 2008, 10:57 AM

Meursy Meursy is offline
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Default Re: Veritas - MA, CBM, PBEM - Started

Ha ha, the reason we are 'at war' is that I expected to be facing a hostile AI In fact I am contesting allowing a sub to come in after the time period for finding a sub (set by Valerius) had passed.

From my point of view no problem if Val says "find a sub before next turn or AI" and he does find a sub. My problem is that he said "find a sub before next turn or AI", the next turn comes and goes, I prepare for AI, then instead of AI he finds a sub!

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work Valerius is doing as admin, and I know he's just trying to do the best for the game. But I also feel as admin he has a degree of responsibility to the existing, regular players to be as clear and reliable as possible...and not say one thing then do something else! Very frustrating!

Of course the fact I've wasted a bunch of resources and time for nothing based on misleading information contributes to this opinion, but I still reckon I have a valid point

So, Ossa, I guess I'm asking if you mind not subbing in. I assume it doesn't matter to you because you've just popped in, so I guess it's up to the remaining regular players. What do others think?

I admit I'm a little biased here too!

And yeah, Ossa, if you do stay in, please leave the province to the east of your cap alone for two turns, I need the time to get my poor astrologer out!

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