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Old September 16th, 2008, 01:26 AM

MadFrancis MadFrancis is offline
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Default Re: MadWar - Game On!

Hi all. I had a bit of bad luck concerning my internet over the last four days, and have not been able to access my emails or the internet. Sorry for any unfortunates that may have happened while I was unreachable. Comcast "promises" that it shouldn't happen again, but of course, what do they care.

In any case, I am just going to try and pick up where I left off. If anyone sent me a PM and I have not repsonded, it's probably because I had a ton in my inbox when I got home from work this evening and found my internet working again. I am trying to repsond to everyone, but please if I dont, resend me anything, important or not.

Thanks and sorry for the disruption if any has been caused. Now to try and salvage a game that has staled four times ...
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