Re: Frequently Asked Questions for Newbies
Yes, the fleet experience resides in the fleet, not with individual ships. Ship's retain their crew experience but lose the fleet experience when they leave a fleet. The ship will regain the fleet experience if it rejoins the fleet. The fleet exists as long as there is at least 1 ship in the fleet. You can add and remove ships all you want, even the one(s) you started the fleet with. Only while ships are in the fleet do they benefit from the fleet experience. They are also continuously earing crew experience as well each time they kill a ship. So it is common that there is a distribution of different crew experience among the ships in the fleet; and the fleet experience adds to each ship's crew experience. Once you get a fleet's experience >0%, you should make every effort to keep at least 1 ship in that fleet at all times because once you remove the Last ship (or it gets killed), the fleet is disbanded and its fleet experience goes to heaven, never to be seen again.