Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Yes, by VP I meant Victory Points of which you need to control a certain amount in order to win the game.
I have played in games which had multiple VPs on the map and I can say from my experience that VP games are more interesting than normal ones because there's a tangible objective for the game.
If Aezeal decides to go with VPs, I recommend the following setup regarding the amount of VPs:
1) 2x the number of players. Randomly assigned on the map and need to control ~40% of the VPs in order to win.
2) One VP in each capital and none in the regular provinces. 40% of the VPs required for the win.
Bananadine: I can certainly see several reasons for a player getting frustrated in game that has only one VP on the map but those reasons are indeed due to game settings rather than VPs in general as a victory condition.