PlasmaKrab said:
Epoletov, you mean reducing the carry capacity or armed transport helicopters?
Like an Mi-8TVK (or whatever) with full complement of S-5 pods and Falanga missiles could take less troops than the basic Mi-8T?
Isn't that already the case? I know in my OOBs the armed Mi-8 has a carry of 124 against 132 or similar, but off the cuff I can't remember the official version.
If you're thinking that armed helicopters should not be able to carry significant troops, I'm of the opinion that if there is room, there should be the possibility to carry something. Even if it is not used in the game.
The helicopter has the limited carrying capacity.
Also I think if to take a maximum of the weapon then with a landing the helicopter will not fly up.
Here already there was an example such a case, it is described above.
To limit use no partroop infantry and others units in parachute landings.
For example, having increased death rate at landing."
Why do we want to make Paratroops ungainly and thoroughly useless?
Isn't that a wee bit silly?
Wished to tell, that infantry without preparation of parachute jumps, it was less often used thus.
They to themselves will break legs at landing!
Or to make it the greater penalty of morals at landing, it is terrible in fact to jump with a parachute for the first time moreover in rear of the enemy!